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Working Hard in Charleston, SC

Sun Setting on the Charleston, South Carolina Beach

I have not been to Charleston, SC is such a long while and was excited to go an be near the beach. I knew that I had to some work as secretary of DIFM (Dietitians of Integrative Functional Medicine) which I am very happy to do and have a chance to get away from Georgia. But I was not all work and no play! I did see some of the places that Charleston have to offer.

Gorgeous Airbnb Beach House

First was the beautiful beach home that I had the opportunity to stay. It was right on the beach and was so airy that it allow the cool salt air to come through the doors and windows.

Beach House on the Beach

Second is the delicious food that I ate at some of the Charleston restaurants.

One of the restaurants that I like was the Basic Kitchen restaurant. It uses seasonal, local produce with the best ingredients to create food, whole grains and legumes, a rainbow of spices and vinegars, lots of healthful oils, wild-caught seafood and sustainable raised meat that is nourishing and delicious. I had the chance to order bean burger with sweet potatoes fries and it was very tasty!

Third hanging out at the 99 Improv and seeing Mad TV Frank Caliendo in action! Have you ever been to a improv? I love improv comedian because you get a chance to see really creative in a fast pace mode. Frank Caliendo was excellent and it was great to see a professional comedian at work.

Mad TV Frank Caliendo and Friends

Fourth hanging out on a fish boat to see the dolphins and other wildlife in Charleston.

I never knew that Charleston has so much beautiful natural wildlife. Our tour guide was very knowledgeable about Charleston water ways and its history. I was able to see dolphins, crabs, wildlife birds and waterfront homes!

This is the proper way of holding a live crab

A mansion on the water way

Last and not least is loving the beach! I was able to walk on the beach and do what I love YOGA!! The calming sounds of the waves and feeling the sand in my feet makes me never want to leave!

Time to go swimming!

Well, it is time to go back home and face reality. If you need a weekend trip, make sure that you go to Charleston, SC. Next time when I have more time I will need to take a tour of the homes.

Thanks Charleston for a Great Time!

Thank you Charleston for a great time!


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