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Winter Solstice in 2018 - Part 1

The is a celebration of winter solstice will occur on this Friday, December 21st, 2018.

The winter solstice occurs in December and in the Northern Hemisphere where the sun rises the latest and sets the earliest, giving us the shortest day and the longest night of the year. Some people can't stand this time of year due to the sun shortage but during this time is for us to go deeply within and to bring light to the dark places. As we reflect upon the passing of another year, we can release the parts of ourselves that are incompatible with our authentic nature. We can make amends with family and friends as we celebrate the holiday season make sure to acknowledge the light that binds us.

What is interesting about winter is that it is a yin season time for storing and conserving energy - to slow down, rest, rejuvenate, nourish our inner life, restore our foundation and deepen our roots - within ourselves, within our family and within our spiritual community and faith.

This time is also important to take care of our bodies particularly, the organs, glands and tissues associated with the winter periods. The major body parts that you should take care of during the winter time are kidneys, adrenal glands, bladder and bones.


The kidneys in traditional Chinese medicine, are thought of as the root of the body's energy and a excellent filtration system. The kidneys nourishes your tissues and organs and builds the blood. During the winter time is a dry season and alots of people become more dehydrated because they no longer crave for water like they do during the summer time. Make sure to drink 2 1/2 liters or quarts of pure filtered water on a daily basis during the winter season.

Adrenal Glands

The adrenal glands are endocrine glands that produce a variety of hormones including adrenaline and the steroids aldosterone and cortisol. They are found above the kidneys. It is important to have a healthy adrenal glands so what can you do if your adrenal glands are under-active? There are lifestyle support changes that you can do to improve on this.

  • Spend at least 20 minutes daily doing a breathing exercise.

  • Exercise 40 minutes daily to elevate cortisol slightly.

  • Eat regular meals and healthy snacks between meals to stabilize cortisol levels.

  • Avoid sugar, chocolate, caffeine and high-glycemic carbohydrates that cause a spike and then a drop in cortisol .

  • Replace coffee with green tea, yogi tea or a roasted chicory or barley coffee substitute.

  • Take a 20 minute break between 3:00 and 5:00 pm when cortisol levels are lower.

  • Go to bed before 10:00 pm

  • Consume 1/2 to 1 tsp of salt daily, especially if you crave it, but if you have high blood pressure, check with your physician first.

  • Reduce or eliminate time spent being with people of doing things that drain your energy.

  • Spend at least half an hour each day doing something you really enjoy.

  • Laugh daily!!

Next Week, I will discuss about bladder and bone-building support and what healthy winter foods that can support all of these organs during the winter months .


Kaur, S. D., Dean, C., & Danylak-Arhanic, M. (2005). The Complete Natural Medicine Guide to Women's Health. Robert Rose.

Are you having that dry skin feeling this winter season? Make sure that you order custom-made Living Healthy Essential Oil Soaps by clicking the website:



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