Today is MLK Day! What are you going to do to help your community and world?
Today is a very special day. Martin Luther King day is a day of service where you are to find out what you would like to do to make your community and world better.
In a quote from MLK "Everybody can be great because everybody can serve... You only need a heart full of grace."
Today, I decided to focus on three individuals who are making a difference not just on MLK day but every day!
First is Liesl Clark and her family who traveled to Nepal on a "quest to find answers." They returned home with a new perspective on community and a better way of living. Clark saw how the Nepalese cared for each other, insisting on sharing gifts equally upon the populace and taking responsibility for the aging, fragile, and infirm without regard to family ties. See what changes they have made to make not only their lives better but their community as well. Click this link here: After looking at this video Visit 31 Ways to Build Community to learn about other ways to foster connections in your neighborhood.
Second is Founder of ARK (Acts of Random Kindness) Club, Sabrina Ma who transformed her school with small acts of kindness. The club regularly performs creative random acts of kindness, including a kindness flash mob of smiles, hugs and connection. She started ARK with only ten fellow students but these kind acts soon inspired over 300 students to join in on the fun. Learn how she was able to not only helping her community but outside of it as well. Click this link here: After looking at this video Take on a 21-day Kindness Challenge! Make kindness and gratitude a habit and join others in completing an act of kindness each day for 21 days.
Third is Gilbert Tuhabonye a Burundi Genocide Survivor of the genocide of the Tutsis, he recalls how he, his classmates, and teachers were beaten, locked in a burning building and left to die. He was the only survivor. An Olympic class runner before this tragedy, running became his physical and emotional therapy as a path to healing. His story and his life are an inspiration to many, a reminder that we can overcome injustice, and proof that one person can make a difference. His message is one of triumph, faith, courage, forgiveness and joy. Click this link here on his inspirational interview - After reading this article see what Mr. Gilber Tuhabonye is currently doing and ask yourself Who or what do you need to forgive? Take a courageous inventory, then find ways to release those grudges, regrets, and negative emotions. Like Tuhabonye, find a way to contribute to others' lives and embrace healing.
Lastly and a bonus video, on 4 February 1968, Martin Luther King, Jr. preached "The Drum Major Instinct" (adapted from the 1952 homily of the same name by well-known, liberal, white Methodist preacher J. Wallace Hamilton) from the pulpit of Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta, Georgia. This short video excerpts the portion of the speech where King urges his congregation to greatness through service and love.
Make a important difference everyday by starting with today!
#MLKDay #LivingHealthy #Community #CommunityService #Volunteering #DayofService #MartinLutherKingDay #volunteer #service #cultural #diversity
