NOBIDAN Mini-Meet Up and Birthday Surprise

Birthday week! YAY! Turning 50 is a good as it feels and looks! Can not believe that I am the 5-0 ! Some may said why let people know of this. Well why not! If someone who is 20 or 30 years lets everyone know how old they are for their birthday than why can't a 40, 50, 60 and 70+ let everyone know also. Look at the wisdom and beauty of getting older! Not many people can say that! That is why I am on a quest to getting older and fabulous with positive health and mental well-being. Also, as part of my birthday goals, I decided to do things that I have never done and some that I am afraid to do. One such goal is to for the first time coordinate a Mini-Meet-Up for NOBIDAN (National Organization of Blacks in Dietetics and Nutrition) here in Atlanta, GA.
I must say that this was a HUGE challenge to do this first time meet up! Getting the speakers, provide refreshments, making a powerpoint presentation about the event, advertising the event through Evite and direct email, finding a location for the event and the best timing for the event. I would not have done this without my wonderful friends and NOBIDAN members Candace Coats and Lucy Balogun and my husband Eddie Rogers. This mini meet-up would never have happened without their help. Yes, there were some failures and changes that need to be made particularly for the next mini meet-up but if you let those things to stop you in the first place then you would not have done it at all. I know that I will always have negative critics but I know if those negative critics try to do the same thing they will realize that it was hard work and nothing is going to be perfect. Take that negative criticism and learn from it and move on!
Check out some of the pictures of the wonderful speakers and NOBIDAN Members that were at the first NOBIDAN Mini Meet-Up below. Thank you so much to speakers below for taking the time to give their knowledge, wisdom and insight about the field of Nutrition and Dietetics:
LaDarius C. Madison, MPH, RDN, LD - DI Director - Life University
Nina German Hall, PHD, RD - Nutrition Heroes of Food & Nutrition Magazine
Yaqutullah Muhammad, MS,RD,LD,FAC-P/PM,VHA-CM -
Religion Member Interest Group (RMIG)
Tamara Melton, MS, RDN, CPHIMS - Diversify Dietetics
Adrienne Holloway, MS, RDN, LD -
Dietetic Internship Director & Assistant Professor - Life University