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National Nutrition Month - Part II

This National Nutrition Month from the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics there are 17 Health Tips for 2017 for the theme of "Put Your Best Fork Forward". Here are 6 of the Health Tips below.

1. Get to Know Food Labels

Reading the Nutrition Facts panel can help you shop and eat or drink smarter.

2. Consult an RDN

Whether you want to eat better to lose weight or lower your risk or manage a chronic disease, consult the experts! Registered dietitian nutritionists can help you by providing sound, easy-to-follow personalized nutrition advice.

3. Follow Food Safety Guidelines

Reduce your chances of getting sick by practicing proper food safety. This includes: regular hand washing, separating raw protein foods from ready-to-eat foods, cooking foods to the appropriate temperature by using a food thermometer, and refrigerating food quickly at a proper temperature to slow bacteria growth. Learn more about home food safety at

4. Get Cooking

Preparing foods at home can be healthy, rewarding and cost-effective. Resolve to learn some cooking and kitchen basics, like how to dice an onion or cook dried beans. The collection of How do I…videos at will get you started

5. Dine Out without Ditching Your Goals

You can eat out and stick to your healthy eating plan! The key is to plan ahead, ask questions and choose foods carefully. Compare nutrition information, if available, and look for healthier options that are grilled, baked, broiled or steamed.

6. Enact Family Meal Time

Plan to eat as a family at least a few times each week. Set a regular mealtime. Turn off the TV, phones and other electronic devices to encourage mealtime talk. Get kids involved in meal planning and cooking and use this time to teach them about good nutrition.

Next week, is the last 6 tips for National Nutrition Month from the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetic!

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