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Meditation is the Key of Life!

I have been meditating for a while and I love it! But I am having a challenge of meditating for 20 minutes and doing this 2 times a day! I have a very busy life schedule, like most people do and it seems harder to fit let only 5 minutes of meditation. I have been starting recently to realize that this 20 minutes - two times per week of meditation can be done. What we all need to do is make time for ourselves! Instead of watching a hour television or looking at your social media sites, why not crave as a start 10 or 15 minutes of meditation.

There are so many benefits you can get from meditation such a clearing the mind, sense of awareness and it eases many health concerns, such as high blood pressure, depression, and anxiety. There is a study that show that meditation can make you have a creative mind. Click here for the article. With all of these benefits that meditation can give you, why not start doing meditation today!

I had the chance to view Deepka Chopra (the meditation guru - that is what I call him :) ) speaking on Super Soul Sessions on Oprah Winfrey's Network called SuperSoulTV. On this video he is discussing about BELIEF CREATES REALITY ! Very powerful messages are in this video. Dr. Chopra explores in this video the “conditioned mind” and how it affects your life right now. Click here ( ) to access this . Let me know what you think of his video by click on to any of my social media sites icons on my website -

Enjoy this day and do not forget to start Living Healthy!

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