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10 Ways to Assure Better Nutrition - Part 2
Want to start getting better nutrition. Here are the last five tips for getting good nutrition and maintaining a more healthy diet, even...

10 Ways to Assure Better Nutrition - Part I
When we get busy and stressed, then we tend to make poor nutritional choices that can actually increase our stress levels. Here are five...

Breast Cancer Month
I am dress in pink for church and I am proud! This past Sunday, I work as a usher with Golden Memorial Methodist Church and we prayed...

Did You Get Your Fiber Intake Today?
Did you know that it is so important to get your fiber 20-30 grams for the day? So many of us are not even coming close to 1 gram of...

World Food Day 2018
On Monday, October 16th, 2018 which is today, is the celebration for World Food Day in honor of the date of the founding of the Food and...

Nutrition Fads and Foibles
Alot of people I know has been telling me that they want to lose weight but it seems that they have been moving towards the quick weight...

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